GC Group Joins Hands with PTT to Open an Office in Texas, USA, Reinforcing the Step Out Strategy for Overseas Growth

29 August 2022: Houston, Texas, USA – GC Group, comprising GC International and GC America, joined hands with PTT International Trading USA to jointly inaugurate the “US Office” in the “US Office Opening Ceremony 2022.” Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, CEO and President of GC, and Mr. Pongpun Amornvivat, PTT EVP – International Trading Business Unit, presided over the opening ceremony of the office building, along with Top Management teams and other honored guests. The office is located at 3009 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 998, Houston, Texas 77056.
The opening of this office is yet another successful step that reinforces the Step Out strategy for seeking out opportunities to create new business and growth abroad, including the pursuit of growth opportunities in new business segments as well as further expanding the Company’s Second Home Base.