PTT Global Chemical Received Best Managed Company 2015 Award from Euromoney Magazine

Mr. Supattanapong Punmeechaow, President and CEO of PTT Global Chemical PLC (PTTGC) received the Best Managed Company - Oil / Gas / Chemicals / Petrochemicals in Asia award from Mr. Marcus H. Langston, Senior manager - Asia / Pacific in the ranking of Asia's Best Managed Companies 2015 of Euromoney magazine. The award was selected from a survey of the analysts of the leading financial institutions and research institutions in Asia.
The criteria of this award was considered by quality of corporate management, financial and accounting transparency, and good corporate governance of the organization which reflects the strong performance of PTTGC which can also ensure the economy of Thailand to both domestic and international investors. The ceremony was held on November 9th , 2015 at the head office of the Energy Complex, Building A, 18th floor which Ms. Duangkamol Settanung, Executive Vice President - Finance and Accounting, Mrs. Warawan Tippawanich, Senior Vice President - Corporate Affairs, and Mrs. Pranee Poopair Vice President - Sustainability Management were participated in this ceremony.