PTT Global Chemical and Shareholders Expresses Generosity Contributing to Siriraj Hospital’s Fund for Underprivileged Patients

Khun Warawan Tippawanich, Senior Vice President – Corporate Affairs, PTT Global Chemical PLC, granted donations on the Company’s behalf, in contribution to the fund for underprivileged patients of Siriraj Hospital, amounting to 259,000 Baht, with Professor Doctor Prasit Watanapa, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, as the recipient of the donation on July 1, 2016.
In this regard, the donation is part of “Generosity Campaign”, held on the day of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016, dated April 5, 2016. On the day, the Company gave away bio plastic product samples to shareholders attending the meeting, for the value of 5,180 Baht and the Company also made contributions for the benefits of the general public at 50 Baht per one set of product sample given