in violation of the regulations of the SEC and the SET. Directors and Executives pursuant to the definitions stipulated by the SEC have obligation to report any conflict of interest whether on personal involvement or through involvement of their connected parties to the Company. GC also puts in place a manual regarding entering into related party transactions and communicates to relevant departments within the Company and its Subsidiaries. In addition, we have compiled information of transactions as database for our relevant internal departments to search and use, as guidelines, when considering undertaking any transactions of the Company to avoid any operational misconduct. Furthermore, GC has set up protective measures against conflict of interest by requiring Directors, Executive and employees at all levels to report on any transactions which may have conflicts of interest every year and should there be any of such transaction, it must be reported to the Company immediately using our conflicts of interest reporting form (in case of Directors) or via conflicts of interest report system on our intranet (in case of Executives and employees) so that the supervisors are informed and can make consideration on further appropriate action. Anti-Corruption GC has established an Anti-Corruption Policy, which has been approved by the Board, as well as written guidelines precluding all requests, offers, payments, and transactions with individuals or juristic persons involved in corruption, with disciplinary sanctions to be imposed on those who violates the guidelines clearly defined and has included them in the Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook for Directors, Executives and employees to follow. In addition, the Company is a member of Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC). Further details can be found under “Ensuring Compliance with Corporate Governance Policy and Practices.” BUSINESS CODE OF CONDUCT Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook The Board of Directors approved the compilation of “Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook,” comprising of two parts. The first part is the corporate governance management structure and principles according to corporate governance policy; and the second part is the business code of conduct, consisting of principles and best practices for ethical business operations, such as observance of laws, rules and regulations; anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures; responsibility towards stakeholders; human rights; consumer rights; and fair labor. The handbook was distributed to Directors, Executives and all employees, GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors GC’s corporate culture. GC’S CORPORATE VALUES “GC SPIRIT” INTEGRITY ETHICS who signed in acknowledgment of the handbook and their obligations to use it as guidance when carrying out their duties. The Business Code of Conduct Handbook has also been distributed to GC’s joint ventures and business partners and published on the Company’s website (www.pttgcgroup.com) under “Corporate Governance” for ready access for shareholders, investors, regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and those interested. The details of the Business Code of Conduct are shown in Appendix 5 under “GC Pol icy and Pract ices of Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct”. Additionally, the Board of Directors has implemented an annual review of the Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook to ensure its consistency with criteria and practices issued by regulators and assessment agencies, both domestic and international. In 2020, GC updated the handbook to ensure its currency and compliance with various standards, namely the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI); the Electronic Transactions Act B.E. 2544; the Emergency Decree on Electronic Meetings, B.E. 2563; the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562; GC’s Personal Data Protection Policy, announced on May 29, 2020, etc. Serving a crucial role in fostering and driving an ethical organizat ional cul ture, the Board of Di rectors and Executives have also cultivated “GC SPIRIT”, an organizational value that places importance on integrity and ethics, as well as established a behavioral assessment accordingly to encourage its adoption. GC SPIRIT 4 Core behaviors has been communicated to all employees across the organization through CEO Townhall and Functional Townhalls and integrated into the working process in order to cultivate it into GC’s corporate culture. 126 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Form 56-1 One Report 2021