SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE (a) List of top 10 major shareholders according to registered book closing date on September 6, 2021: No. Shareholders Number of Shares % 1. PTT Public Company Limited (1) 2,037,220,915 45.18 2. Thai NVDR Company Limited (2) 408,946,417 9.07 3. Siam Management Holding Company Limited 135,240,000 3.00 4. SOUTH EAST ASIA UK (TYPE C) NOMINEES LIMITED 91,459,044 2.03 5. HMC Polymers Company Limited (3) 83,427,636 1.85 6. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 66,206,457 1.47 7. STATE STREET EUROPE LIMITED 60,786,106 1.35 8. Social Security Office 58,043,751 1.29 9. NORTRUST NOMINEES LIMITED-NT0 SEC LENDING THAILAND CL AC 57,148,759 1.27 10. Bangkok Synthetics Company Limited 43,420,625 0.96 Remarks: (1) Majority shareholder of PTT Public Company Limited is Ministry of Finance. (2) Shareholders of Thai NVDR Company Limited holding Non-Voting Depository Receipt: NVDR, are ineligible for voting at shareholders’ meeting except when exercising their voting right on delisting the shares from the Stock Exchange of Thailand. (3) GC holds 41.44% of shares of HMC Polymers Company Limited. (b) As of December 30, 2021, the major shareholders with significant influence on the establishment of GC’s policy and strategy are PTT Group, holding 48.18% of shares of GC. (c) Foreign Shareholders As of December 30, 2021, there are 18 foreign shareholders of GC, holding a combined of 704,295,351 shares of GC or 15.62% of GC’s paid-up capital. GC has foreign shareholding limitation as specified in Article 8 of Article of Association that “GC’s shares can be transferred without any restriction, except in the case where the said transfer would result in more than thirty-seven (37) percent of the Company’s total paid-up shares being held by foreigners”. SECURITIES As of December 31, 2021, the Company’s registered share capital was of Baht 45,088,491,170, comprising of 4,508,849,117 common shares at a par value of Baht 10 per share. Paid-up capital was Baht 45,088,491,170. ISSUANCE OF OTHER SECURITIES BONDS GC issued the following long-term bonds: 1. US DOLLAR DEBENTURES On September 19, 2012, GC issued unsecured, unsubordinated debentures with a maturity of 10 years in a total amount of US$ 1,000 million, with a fixed annual coupon rate of 4.25%, paid every six months, with a maturity date of September 19, 2022. On June 28, 2018, GC repurchased the existing US dollar debenture in a total amount of US$ 495.89 million, and GC Treasury Center Company Limited, its subsidiary, issued a new debenture with on-par terms and conditions of the existing debenture (par-for-par tender offer). On March 18, 2021, GC Treasury Center Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of GC, issued unsecured, unsubordinated debentures in US dollar presented below: Maturity of 10 years in a total amount of US$ 700 million, with a fixed annual coupon rate of 2.98%, paid every six months, with a maturity date of March 18, 2031. Maturity of 30 years in a total amount of US$ 550 million, with a fixed annual coupon rate of 4.30%, paid every six months, with a maturity date of March 18, 2051. 74 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Form 56-1 One Report 2021