LOOP CONNECTING owns of, washable, sed up to ucing the amount of medical waste. The YOUTURN project success is being converted into a YOUTURN application, aiming to cover the entire waste management pipeline. ขนส งและคัดแยกขยะ จ� ดรับขยะพลาสติก โรงงานร� ไซเคิล กระบวนการอัพไซเคิล Recycling Hub เม็ดพลาสติกร� ไซเคิล ผลิตภัณฑ อัพไซคลิง Drop point for plastic waste Transport to waste separation plant Recycle Upcycle Recycled plastic pellets Upcycled products The “Yak Kuad Chuay Mor” project collected 120 tons of PET bottles which have been upcycled into 6,345 Level 2 PPE Gowns for medical staff. They were donated to over 50 hospitals throughout Thailand. Upcycling Upstyling the second year is a home and living themed collaborative project between GC and world-renowned designers. Its goal is to build a loop connecting customers and stakeholders with efforts to recycle plastics and transform them into upcycled products. 180 square meters of upcycled cloth was donated by GC to the 2021 Miss Earth Thailand competition. The cloth was produced from 2,520 PET bottles, Which is equivalent to planting 25large trees, for 19 beauty contestants’ evening dresses to raise awareness about social responsibility and environment preservation.