GC One Report 2023 [EN]

Environmental Management GC places importance on the environmental management system through compliance with environmental principles and standards in business operations. The company has defined an eco-friendly and sustainable business strategy, developed the Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, Environment, and Business Continuity (QSHEB) Policy, and established an environmental management system that integrates energy, air, water, waste, and efficient use of resources. Air Quality Control GC places importance on air quality management both within our plants’ boundary and in surrounding areas by enhancing the efficiency of production processes, continuously developing an air quality control system, and forming a management plan to control air quality within the standard criteria during business as usual and turnaround activities. GC plants have also implemented the Code of Practice (COP) to manage the release of benzene and 1, 3 butadiene vapors by, for example, proactively monitoring air quality within and along the plants’ boundary. As a result of GC’s endeavors to control air quality through numerous projects, air pollution emission intensity is continuously declining. Meanwhile, there has been no cases of complaints regarding air pollution from neighboring communities. GC has employed Digital Infrastructure, IoT (Internet of Things) and 5G Solutions to promote and enhance the company’s operational processes in all aspects, such as a solution that boosts energy efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and a system and data source that displays real-time updates directly from tools or equipment, etc. Sustainable Water Management GC has developed the One Water Strategy, which covers water management (Governance), sustainable water resources management (Water Stewardship) and the establishment of a water management network (Resilience). The company also promotes an integrated approach in water management by planning water consumption based on the 3Rs principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to recirculate water (Renewable Water). In 2023, GC implemented water management projects, such as Recycling Treated Water in OLE4 using Wastewater Reverse Osmosis (WWRO), Water Efficiency Improvement whereby the company has installed a Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Plant to prepare for the drought crisis in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), Optimization of Cooling Water System, and Reutilization of Water Discharged from Steam Boilers in Production Processes, etc. In addition, GC plays an important role and engages in water planning and management at both local and national levels. We have established networks with the government, private sector and industrial sector, including the Water and Environment Institute for Sustainability (WEIS), the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), Water War Room, and Maptaphut Plant Manager Club (PMC), etc., to drive sustainable water management. For more information on water resource management goals is available at: Additional information is available in GC website https://sustainability.pttgcgroup.com/en/home For more information on management of greenhouse gas from production is available at: Additional information is available in GC website https://sustainability.pttgcgroup.com/en/home 104