GC One Report 2023 [EN]

evolving business needs and the Company’s future direction. In addition, GC values the well-being, both physical and mental, of its employees and ensures that they have a good quality of living and a positive work experience by conducting employee engagement and satisfaction surveys to continuously design and improve a healthy work environment. GC has established the Internal Control Policy, stipulating that all employees shall be accountable for their internal control activities. The policy is consistently communicated to executives and employees through training courses, public communication, and other activities to ensure everyone has an accurate understanding of their roles and responsibilities in relation to the internal control system. In addition, GC has implemented the Three Lines Model, which is an international best practice, as a framework for governance. It defines the job owner’s function as the first line of defense to ensure compliance with the policies and guidelines. The Internal Control, Corporate Risk Management , Corporate Governance Corporate Compliance, and other support divisions, the second line of defense, are responsible for managing and supporting other functions so as to bring their operations up to the established standard. Lastly, the Internal Audit, the third line of defense, is tasked with auditing other functions to ensure the proper and suitable internal control implementat ion and st rengthen corporate governance and risk management. GC applies Governance, Risk Management & Internal Control and Compliance principles (GRC) to its business processes to ensure efficient and effective operations. The Company has also appointed GRC personnel to work closely with major business units to strengthen and ensure GRC integration. Additionally, GRC Health Check survey is annually conducted to assess the understanding and compliance of employees, and the results are subsequently used to analyze and plan GRC execution to improve efficiency. Furthermore, the Company regularly issues communications through various channels, such as GRC Newsletter, tone at the top communication in CEO townhalls, as well as new learning programs developed for self-learning through the e-Learning Platform “UP” for executives and all employees in GC Group. In 2023, GC defined the GRC character, which aligns with GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors, with the goal of deepening employees’ understanding of GRC attributes and integrating them into the organizational behavior and culture. In addition, GC organized a GRC roadshow to reinforce the practical application of GRC principles in daily operations, while also fostering understanding and confidence in its whistleblower system. Recognizing the importance of ongoing GRC knowledge development, GC has also established a GRC web portal. This portal serves as a comprehensive resource, offering extensive GRC information to support the executives and employees throughout the organization. GRC Web Portal GRC 223 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Form 56-1 One Report 2023