Shareholder Structure (a) The list of top 10 major shareholders as at the book closure date of February 28, 2023 is as follows: No. Shareholder Number of shares Percentage 1. PTT Public Company Limited(1) 2,037,220,915 45.18 2. Thai NVDR Company Limited(2) 344,333,936 7.64 3. Siam Management Holding Company Limited 135,240,000 3.00 4. SOUTH EAST ASIA UK (TYPE C) NOMINEES LIMITED 96,311,037 2.14 5. HMC Polymers Company Limited(3) 83,427,636 1.85 6. STATE STREET EUROPE LIMITED 57,737,901 1.28 7. Social Security Office 57,006,771 1.26 8. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 51,280,980 1.14 9. NORTRUST NOMINEES LIMITED-NT0 SEC LENDING THAILAND CL AC 46,100,682 1.02 10. BANGKOK SYNTHETICS Company Limited 43,420,625 0.96 Remarks: (1) Majority shareholder of PTT Public Company Limited is Ministry of Finance. (2) Shareholders of Thai NVDR Company Limited holding Non-Voting Depository Receipt (NVDR) are ineligible to vote at shareholders’ meetings except when exercising their voting right on delisting the shares from the Stock Exchange of Thailand. (3) GC holds 41.44% of shares of HMC Polymers Company Limited. (b) As of December 28, 2023, the major shareholders with significant influence on GC’s policy establishment or operations are PTT Group, holding 45.18% of shares of GC. (c) Foreign Shareholders As of December 28, 2023, there are 18 foreign shareholders of GC, holding a combined of 503,559,192 shares of GC or 11.17% of GC’s paid-up capital. GC has a restriction on foreign shareholding as specified in Article 8 of GC’s Articles of Association, which states that “GC’s shares can be transferred without any restriction, except in the case where the said transfer would result in more than thirty-seven (37) percent of the Company’s total paid-up shares being held by foreigners”. 82