GC One Report 2023 [EN]

Driving Business Towards Sustainability Sustainability Management Policy and Goals Throughout the past period, GC has conducted business based on awareness of sustainability and a commitment to be “A leading global chemical company for better living”. We have also contributed to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Such efforts have been implemented across our business chain through a balance of three dimensions, namely Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). In order to create competitiveness in environmentally friendly businesses, GC has declared the Net Zero Target which aims to reduce scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2050. Thus, GC has implemented rigorous measures and action plans in order to accomplish this target by means of three key strategies: Strategy 2 Portfolio-driven: Implementing projects that have been ranked by their investment priority to reflect the company’s current situation and are in line with the low-carbon business strategy. Important courses of action that have been carried out include the study of business restructuring, the study of investment in High Value Businesses (HVB) through allnex’s business expansion, and the investment in the Bio & Circularity Business Unit. In addition, GC also drives the circularity business and has plans to establish a Sustainable Product Portfolio, which targets to expand the domestic Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic market. GC has also formulated a growth plan for sustainability products as well as expanded the waste management business across the country through the YOUTURN Platform. Meanwhile, the company also conducted a feasibility study on new businesses in waste management and built cooperation with recycled plastic packaging manufacturers in the beverage industry, such as Coca Cola, Pepsi and Minere, to promote sustainable packaging management. Efficiency-driven Compensation-driven Portfolio-driven 1 2 3 Strategy Strategy 3 Compensation-driven: Offsetting carbon to manage residual greenhouse gas from production and business operations by using nature-based solutions, such as reforestation, forest restoration, and carbon credit trading, as well as technology, such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). GC also analyzed the feasibility of a key project, namely PTT Group CCS Hub which is a plan for the cooperation between PTT Group and other companies. In order to effectively meet the Net Zero Target , GC has contributed to the government’s policy making process through our cooperation in numerous associations, such as the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Thai Industries. Strategy 1 Efficiency-driven: Enhancing process efficiency and shifting to renewable or low-carbon energy as well as developing and implementing low carbon emitting technologies in production processes in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions more efficiently. 98